Our Book Report

Monday, February 12, 2007

The borrowers

The borrowers

The Guardian

10 Feb 2007

For authors, library lending is a war of attrition. Just had a surprise bestseller, or notched up a series of number-one novels? Your name may briefly appear on the list of the most borrowed books in libraries, but don’t expect to trouble the most... read more...



The Guardian

10 Feb 2007

Sarah Waters swaps Victorian pastiche for something much grittier in this fine novelisation of London during the Blitz and its aftermath. The shifting mnage trois of fiercely loyal Kay, insecure Helen and remote Julia is pivotal, yet courageous Viv... read more...

The power of two

The power of two

by Helon Habila 38 3pp, Hamish Hamilton, 1 6.99

The Guardian

10 Feb 2007

Twins, quadratures and syzygies have long been part of Nigerian literature and myth, usually as a challenge to views of society based on the primacy of the individual. Given the way the country has gone, Nigeria now being a byword for scheming... read more...

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Chicks and balances

Chicks and balances


The Guide

27 Jan 2007

The first novel by Jane Fallon, erstwhile TVproducer and the long-term partner of Ricky Gervais, is billed as anti-chicklit. It’s the type of phrase you can imagine DavidBrent coming out with during one of his cod-philosophical peptalks, waggling his... read more...

Sweet reasons to live

Sweet reasons to live

LETMEEATCAKE Paul Arnott Sceptre 12.99

The Guide

27 Jan 2007

Rarely can an author have stepped as squarely into territory already claimed by another, trusting that good humour would help him get away with it. Nigel Slater’s memoir, Toast, was an often poignant account of his 1960s adolescence, evoked through the... read more...